Health Benefits of Almonds

Almonds is one of the most popular nuts in the world. There are many uses of almonds. People eat them raw or toasted and use them as a snack, for baking or adding to food dishes.

You can buy almonds in many forms such as whole, sliced, chopped, diced, silvered or grounded. Each form is used for different purposes, the main form for snacking is whole almonds, raw or roasted.

People munch on almonds as they are a tasty snack with numerous health benefits. They are nutritiously rich in antioxidants, vitamins, healthy fat and minerals. They can be said to deserve a superfood status.

Nutrients In Almond Nut

This table shows the amount of nutrients in 1 ounce of almonds, which is around 1 handful of almonds or around 23 almond kernels.

Nutrient Amount in 1 ounce Daily adult requirement
Energy (calories) 164 1,800–3,000
Carbohydrate (g) 6.1, including 1.2 g of sugar 130
Fat (g) 14.2, of which 12.4 g is unsaturated 20%–35% of daily calories
Fiber (g) 3.5 25.2–30.8
Protein (g) 6.0 46–56
Calcium (mg) 76.3 1,000–1,200
Iron (mg) 1.0 8–18
Magnesium (mg) 76.5 310–420
Phosphorus (mg) 136 700
Potassium (mg) 208 4,700
Zinc (mg) 0.9 8–11
Copper (mg) 0.3 900
Manganese (mg) 0.6 1.8–2.3
Selenium (micrograms or mcg) 1.2 55
Folate (mcg, DFE) 12.5 300–400
Vitamin E (mg) 7.27 15
Cholesterol 0 No data

In general, almonds are high in healthy unsaturated fats and packed with fiber, protein and nutrients. In the next few sections, the different known health benefits of almonds will be shared with you.

Almonds Are Packed With Antioxidants

Do you know that almonds are loaded with antioxidant? It can help to protect you from oxidative stress which damages the molecules in your cells that contribute to inflammation, aging and diseases. These powerful oxidants are concentrated in the brown layer of the skin. Therefore, it is not recommended to have almond skin removed or blanched almonds in order to get the full health benefits of consuming almonds.

Almonds Contains High Amount of Vitamin E

nuts and snacks singapore

With just a handful of almonds it provides 37% of the recommended intake of vitamin E. It is known worldwide that almond is one of the best source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant and contain antioxidants such as tocopherol.

Vitamin E is a vitamin that you want in your body. Studies have shown that higher Vitamin E intake results in lower heart disease, Alzheimer disease and cancer. It also helps to support immunity, reduce inflammation and promote blood flow.

Almonds for Diabetes and Blood Sugar Control

Nuts like almond have low carbohydrates but are high in healthy fats protein and fiber and this combination is very suitable for those who have diabetes.

Furthermore, almond contains remarkably high amount of magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral used in more than 300 body processes which include blood sugar control. In addition, many people who have type 2 diabetes have low magnesium level and scientist have suggested that there may be a link between magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance.

Magnesium in Almonds Helps With Heart Health

Consuming almond can also help with your heart health by improving lipid and fat levels in the blood. The high magnesium mentioned in the previous section also helps to lower blood pressure. A deficiency in magnesium is highly correlated to high blood pressure. Not controlling your blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. Furthermore, the high amounts of vitamin E also helps with lowering the rate of heart diseases.

Almonds Can Lower Cholesterol Levels

There are many causes of heart diseases and one of them is known as having high levels of “bad” cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in your blood. Almonds may be high in fat but it is unsaturated fat which does not increase the amount of “bad” cholesterol but may even help to improve your blood cholesterol level as shown from many studies. Do you know that almond also does not contain cholesterol?

The development of heart disease happens when the “bad” cholesterol oxidises. Almond nuts contain high amounts of polyphenol antioxidants which helps prevent the oxidation of these cholesterols.

How Can Almonds Help With Weight Loss

Nuts can make you feel full for a longer period of time. This is due to nuts containing high about of healthy fats, protein and fiber. This helps to delay the feeling of hunger allowing to eat less and reduces overall calorie intake. Do you know that when you eat almonds, you do not actually fully digest and absorb all the calories, you only absorb around 80% of the total calories? This is why almonds can help make you feel full and at the same time help you reduce calories intake.

Almonds Boost Bone Health

Almonds helps boost bone health by providing calcium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, protein, copper and vitamin K. Ensuring that your bone gets the nutrients it needs.

Almonds Can Help With Your Digestion

If you often get constipation or have a bad digestive system, eating almonds can help. Both raw and roasted almonds provides fiber and acts as a prebiotics which serves as food for the beneficial bacteria in your gut. When you have a healthy digestive system, it leads to better immunity, lower inflammation and better mental health.


One of the best nuts and snacks that you can have is almonds. The numerous benefits of almond coupled with its great taste and texture makes it a great alternative to unhealthy snacks. Now that you have a better knowledge of almonds, consume them without worry, but remember moderation is still key!