Almonds Truly Are Amazing!
Yes, they really are. Almonds have a whole host of health benefits, such as controlling blood sugar and lowering cholesterol levels. You can find out more about these health benefits here! Almonds can also be made into almond flour, which can be used in many scrumptious recipes that suit different dietary restrictions. However, almonds also can be beneficial for your hair and skin. Read on to find out more about the topical applications for almonds and almond oil!

Making Almond Oil
Have some almonds on hand and want to give them a new lease of life? Try making them into almond oil to reap the benefits of this superfood. All you need are some almonds, a blender, and some unrefined olive oil.
- Take well-dried almonds. Make sure they are not old and of high quality. Put them in a blender and crush them. At first start with a low speed, increase it gradually to high.
- Pause your blender for some time and start again. When your almonds stick together and form a sphere, it is necessary to stop the blender from time to time and clean off almonds.
- Continue grinding. After some time, the sphere will become a paste.
- Add one more teaspoon of unrefined olive oil. Add more oil if you like.
- When the paste is ready, put it in any glass jar and keep it for 1-2 weeks at room temperature. You should separate almond oil from an oil cake.
- You may use your own almond oil for skin and hair care, as an aromatic remedy.
Do not worry if your almond oil looks cloudy! That’s because of the natural almond particles. These can be easily removed by straining your almond oil with a cheesecloth.
Benefits of Almonds/Almond Oil for the Hair and Skin

#1 Reduce wrinkles
Yes, ladies, you heard that right. Researchers in the US have demonstrated that regular almond consumption has shown significant anti-aging benefits! The pilot study found that a daily snack of almonds in place of other nut-free snacks improved measures of wrinkle width and severity in postmenopausal women. The study lasted for 16 weeks. By the end of it, it was shown that women who regularly consumed almonds saw their wrinkle width decrease by 10% and wrinkle severity decreased by 9%. This is likely attributed to the Vitamin E that almonds contain, which can keep skin looking smooth and bright.
You can even make a mask using almond powder!
- 2 tbsp almonds
- 1 tbsp ground oats
- 3 tbsp raw milk
- Take a bowl and mix all the ingredients inside of it. Ensure it is a thick paste free of lumps.
- Apply the mask liberally on clean skin for about 30 minutes.
- Wash your face with lukewarm water.
- Say hello to glowing, healthy skin!

#2 Promote Hair Growth
Want thicker, luscious locks of hair? Almonds have got your back. Almonds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This promotes blood flow to the scalp which in turn promotes hair growth. Furthermore, almonds can help make hair stronger, shinier, and softer to the touch. The Vitamin E in almonds acts as a natural antioxidant to help combat environmental stress that could be hindering hair growth.
To include almonds into your daily hair care routine, just take a few drops of almond oil and warm them in the palms of your hand. Run your hands through your hair to keep your hair shiny and reduce frizz. Continue this and watch as the almond oil takes effect.

#3 Tackle nasty scalp conditions
It has been said that almond oil can also help to tackle scalp conditions such as flakiness or dandruff. Almond oil has antibacterial and fungicidal properties, making it suitable for taking on the yeast that can cause dandruff on your scalp. Furthermore, almond oil can easily be absorbed into the skin to hydrate the scalp and ease any itchiness and discomfort. In fact, almond oil has been used by the Chinese to treat dry scalp conditions for centuries!
Try making an almond oil mask for your hair today.
- 1-2 tbsp almond oil
- Avocado
- Mash the avocado until a paste has been obtained.
- Add the almond oil and stir until well combined.
- Apply on damp or dry hair and leave on for 30 minutes.
- Rinse and shampoo your hair as per usual.
Almonds Are Exceptional!
We totally agree with this statement. As a healthy snack or a boost for your skin and hair, almonds really pack a punch in terms of their benefits. Grab some almonds from us today!