by | Jun 7, 2021 | Nuts | 0 comments

nuts for breakfast

Nuts for breakfast

Breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day. Having a hearty, nutritious meal in the morning not only supplies you with the nutrients and energy you need for the day but having a proper breakfast helps you start your day well and on the right foot. Who doesn’t want to head to work or school with a happy belly and a positive mood? If this is you, read on to find out why having nuts for breakfast can help you achieve the best start for the day and what you can do to start incorporating nuts in your breakfast, even for the pickiest of eaters.

1: Get the nutritional boost you need!

We all know nuts are good for you and there are so many different benefits! Nuts are low in saturated fat, so having them for breakfast can help to lower your LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol. They contribute fibre, potassium, calcium, iron, and a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals to your diet. As compared to red meats, nuts are a vegan and earth-friendly form of protein that you can add to your diet. When you ‘soak’ or ‘activate’ nuts, their nutritional benefits are heightened as well. However, not all nuts are made equal and each has its unique health benefits. Mixed nuts are a good option to help you reap the rewards of consuming different types of nuts.

2: Tasty!

You heard that right. Nuts are a great, tasty treat you can have on their own, or added to other breakfast foods. Sprinkle some walnuts on top of your favourite stack of pancakes, add some mixed nuts to a bowl of yoghurt with some fresh fruit or have them as nut butter together with a slice of toast and avocado. All of these options are simple, taking little time to prepare, and will keep you satiated until your next meal. If you’re looking to get a little adventurous with how to prepare breakfast, try out some of the recipes we’ve selected below!

3: Convenient

Having a busy morning with no time to grab a bite on the way to work? Yes, this happens even to the best of us. Even if you find yourself in a mad rush in the morning, don’t skip out on breakfast! Studies have shown that eating breakfast can be linked to good health, including better memory and concentration, lower levels of unwanted cholesterol, and lower chances of getting diabetes and heart disease. Nuts are a convenient way to have breakfast even when you’re busy. Having a handful of nutritious mixed nuts can help you to reduce the stress of trying to figure out what to have in the morning. Just grab and go!

4: Regulating your appetite

When you eat protein, your body releases a hormone called ghrelin. That sends a signal to your brain, indicating that you are full.  That helps to keep you feeling satiated for longer. That helps you to regulate your mealtimes and prevents overeating and snacking throughout the day. There is lots of evidence that eating a high-protein breakfast will consume fewer calories throughout the rest of the day because of this. Besides, the protein in nuts like almonds and peanuts is vital for building and repairing muscle tissue if you live a more active lifestyle.

Breakfast recipes with nuts

What are some ways to prepare breakfast? Here are some ideas you can try, based on the amount of time required to prepare the foods. Choose the best recipe that suits your lifestyle!

smoothie bowl

Smoothie bowl

5-10 minutes preparation time


  • 1 heaping cup organic frozen mixed berries
  • 1 small ripe banana (sliced and frozen)
  • 2-3 Tbsp of almond milk
  • 1 scoop of protein powder (optional)



  1. Add frozen berries and banana to a blender and blend on low until small bits remain.
  2. Add almond milk and protein powder (optional), and blend on low again, scraping down sides as needed, until the mixture reaches a soft-serve consistency.
  3. Scoop into 1-2 servings into a bowl and top with desired toppings (optional). Some options include unsweetened coconut, chia seeds, nuts or nut butter, granola, and fresh or dried fruit. Go with whatever your heart desires.


nuts and fruit breakfast cups

Fruit and nut breakfast cups

30-45 minutes preparation time 




  • ½ cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup mixed fruit
  • 1 tbsp sliced almonds




  1. Remove the seeds from the dates and allow them to soak in water for about 10 – 20 minutes.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  3. In a small blender, blend the dates with the honey and coconut oil until a paste is formed.
  4. Add in the rolled oats and seeds. Blend until the mixture has formed a dough texture.
  5. Lightly grease a muffin pan with coconut oil and press the dough into the pan, shaping it into small tart shells. This recipe should make about 6 shells.
  6. Bake for about 10-12 minutes, or until the shells are lightly browned on the edges.
  7. Remove from heat and let cool.
  8. Top each breakfast tart shell with yoghurt, fruit, and nuts! Enjoy!
granola bars

Chewy granola bars

1 hour preparation time

We’ve already covered this, so click here to get the full recipe! 



Breakfast is such an important meal. This article proves to you that it is worth carving out some time to grab a bite, even when mornings might feel like a whirlwind. Try out these recipes for a great start to your day!